Privacy Policy

You'll find here our privacy policy: what kind of data we collect, how we store them, and for which purpose.

Some data are necessary for this website to work, some other are collected through 3rd-party services we use.

In compliance with the GDPR principles, you have control on your data, and you can configure their usage through our Privacy Settings feature.

Please note however that if you desactivate some purposes, some features of this website may not be accessible or work as expected...

This website

Collected data

This website ( stores some data for technical reasons:

  • save the current game data (tiles positions, score, ...)
  • save your game statistics (best scores, previous games statistics, ...)
  • save your personal preferences (user interface theme, favourite color model, ...

Storage technology

We do not use cookies for that purpose, but we use your browser's local storage .

If you disable your local storage, this website will not be able to work!

If you clear your local storage, please note that all your game data ans settings will be lost and that you will come back to an initial state like when you visited this website for the very first time.

Data usage

All these data are NOT personal data about yourself. They are just technical data in order the game to work.

We do NOT collect or store any kind of personal data about you with a goal to sell or send these informations to someone else!

However, we use 3rd-party services that may use cookies and collect more data about yourself. Please read their privacy policies below to learn more.

Third-Party Services

This website uses some 3rd-party services in order to provide us and yourself some additional features.

Each of these services defines their own terms of service and privacy policies.

Please find the list of all the services used below, and feel free to read their terms of service and privacy policies.

Google Marketing Platform (Google Analytics)

Used to provide us some statistics about the visitors of the website, like many other websites on internet.

May be able to collect some personal data, like your IP address and more, in order to provide geo-localized statistics.

VisitTerms of service & Privacy policy.


Used by us to create, publish and share some videos about the koloro game (tutorials, promotional videos, ...)

The tutorial video is embedded in the koloro website, into the « How to play? » section.

May be able to collect some personal data about you when you watch the video.

VisitTerms of service & Privacy policy.


Used to display on the website some share / follow buttons for social networks, and provide us some statistics about how visitors shared the content of the website.

May be able to collect some personal data, like your IP address and more.

VisitTerms of service & Privacy policy.